6 comments on “Next Saturday: UM vs OSU?

  1. Did you get my text a couple weeks ago? There is talk of Team Slayer going up to Ann Arbor this weekend for UM vs OSU. Nothing is for sure but talk has been had. What say you?

  2. Yes the whole team and yes it could be. It’ll most likely be a last second decision.

  3. A2 accommodations are available, though try to let me know sooner rather than later so said accommodations can be optimized (w/ beer, mattresses, etc.). FYI — Nebraska tickets were had for $45 apiece. OSU tix will undoubtedly be more expensive, but hopefully not insane.

  4. Rocks have me by the balls, so I will probably need to be back in Oxford on Saturday. This may be a Merlin-less endeavor for the team.

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